

来源:www.ahlulin.com   时间:2023-10-19 04:54   点击:66  编辑:admin   手机版














Dairy physiological behavior habits

(1) feeding habits

Cow feed often without choice, devour, feed when not chew or swallow hastily, to be carried out at rest and then chewing ruminants. Thus, root feeding fodder to the attention of not too large, too park, the best sheet or cut into pieces after the feeding, or are prone to esophageal obstruction. Feeding forage removal to the attention of nails, wire and other sharp metal foreign body, otherwise Net prone to traumatic gastritis and traumatic pericarditis. Choose pasture grazing to a high of more than 10 cm pastures, otherwise it is difficult to eat cow.

(2) ruminant habit

Initial cow feed when mixed with saliva to form chewing food Mission swallowed, entering the rumen storage, by being brought into the alkaline saliva to soften and rumen water immersion, the question to rest when another ruminant. Ruminants, including inverse vomit, and then chew, and then mixed with saliva, and then the process of swallowing four. Cows generally 30-60 minutes after feeding ruminant each ruminant duration 40-50 minutes, 9-12 times a day and night ruminant, ruminating time 6-8 hours. After feeding should be given adequate rest time and quiet and comfortable environment in order to ensure normal ruminant. Normal ruminants are one of the hallmarks of a healthy cow, ruminant to stop or reduce the number, time, show that the cow had been sick.

(3) drinking habits

Cows a day of drinking water are typically dietary dry matter intake of 4-5 times that are 3-4 times the milk yield. Such as a 600 kg weight, 20 kg of milk day, the dietary dry matter intake should be 16 kilograms, the amount of drinking water a day are 60-80 kg. Greater volume of summer, drinking water, grazing cow cow shed more than one times the volume of drinking water. Dairy intake 2 hours after the necessary water, let the best water, water temperature 10-25 ℃ appropriate, advised to drink warm winter, summer, wish to drink cold water.

(4) love cleaning habits

Cow likes to eat fresh fodder, do not like the remaining feed. Therefore, feeding should be less Tim give ground. Under the bed in the manger should be cleaning up the remaining forage, under the grass before the manger should be running water. Clearance of residual forage after the trough can be dryingre-processing and utilization. Cow drink fresh, clean drinking water, therefore, should regularly wash sink. Cow enjoy clean, dry environment, and therefore, under the barn floor in each slot should be clean, running water, exercise at stool should be promptly cleaned to maintain formation, drying, cleaning, prevent accumulation of stagnant water, the summer should pay attention to drainage.

(5) ranked waste habits

Because the feed intake of dairy and water volume is very large, the number of scheduled waste, and dairy cattle are in Defecography,Voiding dosemost livestock. One day an adult cow Defecography about 30 kilograms, accounting for dietary intake of 70% one day and nightVoiding doseabout 20 kilograms, accounting for 30% of drinking water around. Since dairy Defecography,Voiding dose large, so in the process of rearing dairy cattle should be the prevention of environmental pollution.

(6) estrus behavior

Cows in heat, the first performance of excited Walk non-stop from time to time called moo, with other cows in the playground chasing each other, contradict, round, followed by cows receiving the other close, and then receive sniffing other cows, and finally climb to receive the other cow Intertemporal standing motionless. Estrus duration of an average of 18 hours, range 6-30 hours, estrus starting time of 70% occurred in late morning 7:00 to 7:00.

This morning, I looked at a table arrayed with a glass of milk, then the situation which was not thought through the cow, if the cleaning is the greatest human beings, then the cow is the greatest animal kingdom animal, and it Always with his selfless dedication to their most precious asset is the only dedicated human, cow milk can provide. Can help farmers make money, can provide beef. Also can produce milk, but it ignored its own, perhaps they would think that as long as human happiness, they will be very happy, I like them lovely expression, and small but clear pupil of the eye, but I was more concerned about their selfless spirit of !今天早上,我望着桌子上摆着的一杯牛奶,便情不自经的想到了奶牛,如果说清洁工是人类中最伟大的,那么奶牛便是动物界中最伟大的动物了,它总是无私的奉献着自己,把自己最宝贵的,也是仅有的财富献给了人类,奶牛可以提供牛奶。


还可以生产奶粉,但却忽视了自己,也许它们会认为只要人类快乐,它们便会很开心,我挺喜欢它们那可爱的表情,和小而清澈的眸子, 但我却更在意它们的无私精神!

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