

来源:www.ahlulin.com   时间:2023-03-14 11:16   点击:165  编辑:柳嘉   手机版



1.所需材料及尺寸 旧铁桶1个,40瓦--60瓦风机1台,开关2个,三通接头2个,管件直径均为1寸,长短按图纸要求准备,1台简易气化炉的制作成本不超过100元钱。最好选用大号铁桶,按图纸要求将铁桶相关部位进行焊割。

2.炉篦子的安装 沿铁桶内壁底部摆放一圈立砖(高为24厘米),然后将长短合适的钢筋炉条按间隔1厘米放在砖上,并用泥或水泥固定。在炉篦子上方沿铁桶周围摆放两层立砖,然后再用泥在砖面抹炉膛,炉膛最好抹成略微锅底形,以便于燃料向喷咀中间集中,炉膛内径为35厘米左右。(一定要等炉膛干透后才可点火使用)

3.喷咀的安装 喷咀是气化炉的关键部位,因炉内燃烧时的温度较高,喷咀容易受到损伤,所以要求采用专用喷咀。喷咀可以用法兰盘固定(方便更换),也可以直接焊在铁桶上(如需要更换可重新进行焊割)。

4.集水瓶的安装 集水瓶的作用是收集管道内积水、除焦油,同时具有安全限压作用。

5.室内灶具安装 气化炉灶具在正常点燃后,火焰应为蓝、红色,室内无烟、无尘、无味。灶具应靠窗户安放,并在灶具上方的窗户上加一排风扇,炒菜时排放厨房内的油烟。



1、 调试准备工作:Preparation (1) 将晾晒后的农作物秸秆粉碎至 2cm 左右的碎段,并控制水分含量不超过20%。Smash dry straw into pieces of 2cm. The moisture of straw should be under 20%

(2) 检查炉体排灰门的气密性,检查各发兰的气密性。 Examine the airproof of the ash-discharge door. Examine the airproof of valves.

(3) 检查净化器与灶具之间连接的气密性。 Examine the airproof of the connection between filter and the stove.

使用:Use (1) 首先将安装在灶具间的强力换气扇打开。

Turn on the powerful ventilator

(2) 关闭灶头气源阀门,打开排气管阀门。 Turn off the valve of gas stock source and turn on the valve of the vent-pipe.

(3) 将鼓风机接好电源,先在气化炉内放半炉腔秸秆作引火之用,待秸秆表面完全点燃后,在其上面渐渐加满秸秆。 Plug in the blower. Put straw into the gasification device until half of it is full. Ignite the straw in the gasification device, and add more straw into it until it is completely full.

(4) 待秸秆点燃 1~2 分钟后,先打开灶头脉冲点火开关,让点火针开始点火。再打开灶头气源开关,灶头点燃后关闭排气管阀门。 After the straw burning 1-2 minutes, turn on pulse switch on the stove. Then turn on the stove gas source switch. After the stove is lit up, turn off vent-pipe valve.

(5) 通过调节出气口阀门调节气化炉的产气快慢。 Pass to regulate to a spirit a valve door regulate the gasification device produces the spirit rate of speed

(6) 灶头火力大小可通过调节鼓风机调速器开关,任意调节。 The strength of the stove speeder of blower can be adjusted by the switch on the stove.

(7) 投灰时,炉腔要保留小半腔灰,下次点火时,打开风机电源后将引火物放在炉腔内,待炉腔内的灰面全部点燃后,加入秸秆原料,两分钟后燃气即可使用。While throwing the ash, the gasification device wants to reserve the lesser half ash, a little bit another time fire, open the breeze machine power supply empress will ignite the thing put in the inside of it , needing the ash of the inside of device all after sparking, join the raw material of straw , the dichotomy clock empress combustion gas can immediately use.

五、产品主要参数:Main parameters a) 产气量5-10m 3 /h, Gas put out 5-10m 3 /h, b) 燃气热值4600-5200KJ/m 3 , Gas caloricr value:4600-5200KJ/m 3 , c) 气化效率大于70%。 Gasification efficient:>70%。 d) 灶头功率为4.7―5.1KW与液化气灶具基本相同。 Gas stock power:4.7―5.1KW e) 鼓风机功率:10-15W Blower:10-15W f) 鼓风机风压:1200Pa Blower pressure:1200Pa g) 鼓风机电源:交流220V,直流6-12V Blower electrical source:ac220V,dc6-12V


1、 点不着火,检查秸秆原料水分含量高(没有晒干)或秸秆原料尺寸过大(大于2cm长) Kitchen range is not fire, because of water percentage too high or stalk too long(>2cm)

2、 灶头点不着火,原因是燃气中空气含量过高。 Gas stock is not fire, the content of air in the burnable gas is too high. (1)、检查排灰门是否关严。 Check whether the ash-discharge door is closed tightly. (2)、检查灶头风门是否关严。 Check whether the door of stock value is closed tightly.

(3)、检查气化炉内秸秆是否烧穿,如烧穿应添加秸秆。 Check whether the straw in gasification device is burn out. If so, add straw.

(4)、检查气化炉内反应区是否形成空洞(秸秆原料在反映过程中不能自动下料 ,使反应区与秸秆之间形成空洞区),如形成空洞,应手动让秸秆落下。 Check whether there is a hole in the reaction area. (During the process of reaction, straw cannot move automatically. This makes a hole between straw and the reaction area.) If there is a hole, move manually straw down.

3、 灶头着火不旺:The fire is not powerful on the stove (1)、检查管道中是否积水,阻挡燃气流通。 Check whether there water accumulated in pipes so that burnable gas cannot circulate. (2)、检查水封器中水位是否过高,如水位过高,应打开排污阀,放掉多余水分。 Check whether the water level in water-value is too high. If so, turn on the waste-discharge valve and get rid of the water. (3)、检查灰腔内是否满灰。 Check whether the ash in ash-room is full. (4)、检查气化炉内炉篦子是否堵塞。 Check whether the bars is blocked.

4、 脉冲器点火弱或不点火,检查电池是否没电了或连接电线脱落。 The impulse switch cannot light up a fire. Check the battery or the plug.

七、维修、保养 repairing and maintain

1、 定时清灰。应常打开除灰口,清楚灰腔中的灰,一般 1 天清一次,清灰时注意清理灰腔内壁上的混合灰渣,关灰门时,注意先将出灰口端面清理干净后,再关紧门子。 Clean the ash regularly. Open the ash-discharge door, clean the ash in the stove. Generally clean it once each day. Clean ash residue one the inside wall of the stove. When close the door, make sure to clean ash-door section and then close the door tightly.

2、 注意清灰口门子上的垫子,如有破损,应及时更换。 Clean the cushion of the ash-discharge door. If it is worn out, replace it by a new one.

3、 经常检查输气管中是否积水,要及时将管中积水放掉。 Check regularly whether there is water accumulated in vent-pipes. Get rid of the water in time.
